Special thanks to Prakash, for creating the flash file. In this post we shall learn, how to use Storyline to get data from user (for example: Name and Email ID); and then store it in a text file (.txt) on the server.
For this, we shall be using:
- Storyline: which will keep a Flash form to collect data
- A FLASH form inside the .story file: which shall collect the data and give it to PHP file
- PHP [no prior experience required]: This will update the collected data on the server, in form of a .txt file
Here is the workflow for the same:
Step 1: Create the FLASH form in Adobe Flash or equivalent program. Let us assume, we are capturing two variables – name and email id, both of which are mandatory. On clicking the submit button, it must trigger the following code:
if (f1 == 1 && f2 == 1) /*Check if both name and email id are filled*/
var my_vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
my_vars.senderName = name_txt.text;
my_vars.senderEmail = mail_txt.text;
var my_url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“process_data.php”); /*this line calls the php file ‘process_data.php’*/
my_url.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
my_url.data = my_vars;
var my_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
my_loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
name_txt.text = “name”;
mail_txt.text = “E-mail”;
f1 = 0;
f2 = 0;
/*Trigger the variable “score” which can be used by storyline to check if the data is submitted*/
trace(“Not sent”);
Step 2: Open a .story file, and insert the FLASH .swf on the first screen.
Step 3: Open a notepad and write the following code:
$message = “n” . “Name: “.$_POST[‘senderName’]. ” “.”E-mail : “.$_POST[‘senderEmail’] . “n”;
$File = “data.txt”;
$Handle = fopen($File, ‘a+’);
fwrite($Handle, $message);
print “Data Written”;
Save the file as “process_data.php“.
Now publish the .story file.
Step 4: Paste process_data.php in the folder where story.html is kept.
Step 5: Create a data.txt file and paste it in the folder where story.html is present.
And it is done! Now whenever a person fills the form and submits it. A new record is added to data.txt.
PS: What if, I want to mail the data to an email ID instead of storing it?
In the Step 3 – process_data.php, write the following code:
$to = “youremail@id.com”; /*put the recipient email id here*/
$subject = ($_POST[‘senderSub’]);
$message = ($_POST[‘senderMsg’]);
$message .= “nn—————————n”;
$message .= “E-mail Sent From: ” . $_POST[‘senderName’] . ” <” . $_POST[‘senderEmail’] . ” <“. $_POST[‘senderSub’]. “>n”;
$headers = “From: ” . $_POST[‘senderName’] . ” <” . $_POST[‘senderEmail’] . “>n”;
if(@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))
echo “answer=ok”;
echo “answer=error”;
Rest all the steps are same.