While submitting the screens for review, follow this checklist of documents that you need to put there. Let us assume, screens for the SHG course are to be submitted for review.
- Review sheet:
- Storyboard:
- Masterdoc:
- Storyfile / PPt file
File name convention: Review comments _Name of Module_part_Date(ddmmyyyy)
Example: Review comments_SHG_P5_08052013
File name convention: Storyboard_Name of Module_part_date
Example: Storyboard_SHG_P5_08052013
File name convention: Masterdoc_Name of Module_part_date
Example: Masterdoc_SHG_P5_08052013
File name convention: File Name of module_part_date
Example: SHG_P5_08052013